Fear Questions...Faith Believes

Why are we so fearful of not accomplishing our goals and at the same time fearful of accomplishing our goals? Fear keeps you from really believing what you can do, and also make you scared to succeed. Make 9:23 says, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believe! Fear has a way of keeping us from moving forward. I remember wanting to write books years ago. I would start and not finish or I would finish a book and press delete. I didn't believe I had the knowledge or wisdom to write. When I realized that I would never be happy without writing and encouraging other women I went to work. I knew I had suffered a lot, endured many heartaches and came out on top! I had what it takes to write and accomplish my dream of being an encourager! When I started believing the words begin to flow! Faith has to trump fear in order to pursue your dreams! Fear can be conquered! When fear attacks you, pray and do it anyway! My new saying is what ever you do, do it with a little fear and a lot of faith!